Total Body :21 -- with Music
Total Body Flow Series
This is a quick, yet not rush, well-rounded total body class in 21-minutes. We'll move though standing poses, core strengtheners, heart and hip openers! WITH MUSIC.
Some of the Pose: Triangle, Half Moon Pose, Boat Pose, Hip Openers, Bridge, Twist on Back.
Up Next in Total Body Flow Series
Total Body :26
This total body class opens the hips, side body and chest while strengthening the quads, gluts, arms and abs. Enjoy! NO MUSIC.
Some of the Poses: Low and High Lunge, Revolved Triangle, Lizard Pose, Forearm Plank, Locust, Bow, Camel, Seated Twists.
Total Body :28 -- with Music
In this well rounded class well open the upper back, groins,chest and quads and, detoxify with twist, and strengthen the abs with the option of practicing crow pose. Enjoy! WITH MUSIC
Some of the Poses: Eagle Pose, Pyramid Pose, Goddess Pose, Abs on Back, Crow Pose Option, Quad Openers, Locu...
Total Body :30
This class opens the hamstrings, hips and heart, includes detoxifying twists and strengthens the core muscles. Enjoy! NO MUSIC.
Some of the Pose: High Lunge, Chair and Lunge Twist, Standing Split, Lizard, 1/2 Bow Pose, Ab work on Back, Heart Openers, Pigeon.